The Royals and Nobles Ancestry
Online Genealogy of Royals and Nobles
Show surnames starting with
[no surname] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
1. A'Court (1) 2. Abdy (89) 3. Abercrombie (1) 4. Abercromby (73) 5. Acalen (1) 6. Ackland (25) 7. Ackner (4) 8. Ackroyd (16) 9. Acland (306) |
10. Acland Troyte (9) 11. Acton (155) 12. Adair (6) 13. Adams (4) 14. Addison (18) 15. Adebowale (2) 16. Adkins (2) 17. Agnew (408) 18. Ahmad (2) |
19. Aitken (2) 20. Akeland (13) 21. Akelane (8) 22. Aldridge (3) 23. Aldworth (1) 24. Alexander (2) 25. Alford (2) 26. Allardice (1) 27. Alligier (1) |
28. Alston (2) 29. Altham (2) 30. Amadas (1) 31. Ameglio (2) 32. Anderson (8) 33. Ando (7) 34. Andorsen (2) 35. Andrew (8) 36. Anglin (2) |
37. Annand (1) 38. Annesley (1) 39. Arkcoll (2) 40. Armitage (2) 41. Ashcroft (2) 42. Ashton (2) 43. Auchinleck (1) 44. Austin (2) 45. Aymer (2) |
1. Bacon (2) 2. Baggallay (2) 3. Bailey (3) 4. Baillie (10) 5. Baird (10) 6. Baker (4) 7. Baldridge (1) 8. Balfour (2) 9. Balguy (1) 10. Banestar (2) 11. Bankes (2) 12. Bankhead (1) 13. Bannerman (2) 14. Barber (2) 15. Barclay (3) 16. Barentyne (1) 17. Barker (4) 18. Barnacle (1) 19. Barnardiston (2) 20. Barnett (2) 21. Barnston (1) 22. Barrie (2) 23. Barrington (2) 24. Barry (2) 25. Barthorp (1) 26. Bartlett (2) 27. Bassett (1) |
28. Batts (1) 29. Baugh (2) 30. Baukes (1) 31. Beadon (2) 32. Beaton (2) 33. Beauchamp (7) 34. Beaufort (12) 35. Beaumont (1) 36. Beccadelli (2) 37. Beck (2) 38. Beckett (4) 39. Beckford (2) 40. Bedingfield (1) 41. Beech (2) 42. Beechey (2) 43. Belasyse (1) 44. Belasyse-Wynn (1) 45. Bell (17) 46. Benjamin (2) 47. Bennett (3) 48. Bennink-Jassonius (1) 49. Benwell (2) 50. Bere (1) 51. Berkeley (2) 52. Berney (1) 53. Berrie (2) 54. Berry (1) |
55. Bertram (1) 56. Bethune (1) 57. Betoun (2) 58. Betts (1) 59. Bewley (2) 60. Bibica-Rosetti (3) 61. Biddulph (3) 62. Bingham (1) 63. Bingley (1) 64. Bishop (4) 65. Black (2) 66. Blackburn (2) 67. Blair (3) 68. Blechinberg (6) 69. Blennerhasset (3) 70. Bligh (1) 71. Blount (1) 72. Blubb (1) 73. Board (1) 74. Boileau (2) 75. Boissier (2) 76. Boldy (1) 77. Bolton (3) 78. Bonar (3) 79. Bonvile (1) 80. Booth (2) 81. Boreham (1) |
82. Borell (1) 83. Boteler (2) 84. Bothwell (3) 85. Bouckley (2) 86. Bovenschen (2) 87. Bowdler (2) 88. Bowdrey (1) 89. Bowen (2) 90. Bowes-Lyon (1) 91. Boyd (2) 92. Boyle (1) 93. Bradshaw (2) 94. Brady (2) 95. Bramston (3) 96. Branch (2) 97. Brandela (3) 98. Brannerydh (2) 99. Branson (2) 100. Bray (2) 101. Breakey (2) 102. Bremner (2) 103. Brent (2) 104. Brett (2) 105. Bridgeman (1) 106. Briggs (3) 107. Bright (2) 108. Brignole-Sale (2) |
109. Brisbane (1) 110. Brokaw (1) 111. Brome (2) 112. Brooke (8) 113. Brookes (1) 114. Brooksbank (3) 115. Brown (4) 116. Browne (8) 117. Browne-Clayton (7) 118. Brownlow (1) 119. Bruce (54) 120. Buchanan (4) 121. Buchanan-Jardine (1) 122. Budwiser (2) 123. Bullard (1) 124. Buller (2) 125. Bullock (2) 126. Burke (1) 127. Burlamacchi (2) 128. Burrell (2) 129. Bushby (2) 130. Butler (2) 131. Buxton (2) 132. Byrom (2) |
1. Cairnis (1) 2. Cairns (1) 3. Calandrini (2) 4. Calder (2) 5. Caldwell (3) 6. Callander (2) 7. Callinicos (6) 8. Cambrey (2) 9. Cameron (3) 10. Cammell (2) 11. Campbell (29) 12. Caracciolo (3) 13. Carden (1) 14. Cardew (1) 15. Carew (2) 16. Carles (1) 17. Carleton (1) 18. Carlisle (6) 19. Carnegie (4) 20. Carter (3) 21. Catelyn (1) 22. Cathcart (3) 23. Cay (2) 24. Chalmers (4) |
25. Chamberlaine (2) 26. Chamberlayne (2) 27. Champanich (1) 28. Chance (2) 29. Chancellor (1) 30. Chandos-Pole (2) 31. Chapman (6) 32. Charley (2) 33. Charlton (1) 34. Charrington (1) 35. Chase (6) 36. Chene (1) 37. Cheney (2) 38. Cheshire (2) 39. Chichester (1) 40. Chisell (1) 41. Cholmley (3) 42. Christian (2) 43. Clarke (1) 44. Cleeton (1) 45. Clifford (4) 46. Clifton (3) 47. Clifton-Hastings-Campbell (1) 48. Clixby (2) |
49. Close (2) 50. Cloutier (2) 51. Clowes (4) 52. Clugston (2) 53. Clutton (1) 54. Cobbold (2) 55. Cock (1) 56. Cockayne (1) 57. Cockell (2) 58. Cocks (1) 59. Cohn (2) 60. Colclough (1) 61. Cole (6) 62. Colepeper (2) 63. Coles (3) 64. Colley (1) 65. Collier-Wright (4) 66. Collins (4) 67. Colquhoun (2) 68. Coltran (2) 69. Coningsby (1) 70. Conroy (2) 71. Constable (1) 72. Cookson (3) |
73. Cooper (2) 74. Coote (2) 75. Coplestone (1) 76. Copley (3) 77. Corbett (1) 78. Corbishley (4) 79. Corble (2) 80. Corcoran (2) 81. Corner (2) 82. Cornewall (1) 83. Cornish (3) 84. Cornwall (2) 85. Coronna (1) 86. Corsellis (2) 87. Corsfeild (1) 88. Coston (2) 89. Cosworth (2) 90. Cotton (3) 91. Coulthurst (2) 92. Courage (2) 93. Courtney (2) 94. Coward (2) 95. Cowse (1) 96. Cozens (2) |
97. Craggs (2) 98. Craggs-Eliot (1) 99. Craig (3) 100. Crank (1) 101. Crawford (2) 102. Cresset (2) 103. Cressett (2) 104. Crewes (1) 105. Crichton (2) 106. Crook (2) 107. Cropper (2) 108. Cruikshank (1) 109. Cruse (2) 110. Culley (2) 111. Cumming (3) 112. Cumming-Russell (1) 113. Cunningham (3) 114. Curzon-Howe (1) 115. Custance (1) 116. Czernin (6) |
1. d'Albon (1) 2. Dachenhausen (1) 3. Dacre (1) 4. Dalberg-Acton (7) 5. Danby (1) 6. Daniel (3) 7. Danks (2) 8. Darcy (2) 9. Darrell (3) 10. Dashwood (2) 11. Davidson (3) 12. Davie (2) 13. Davies (12) 14. Davis (2) 15. de Acalan (1) 16. de Acton (1) 17. de Akelane (1) 18. de Albach (2) 19. de Athelakeston (2) 20. de Atherton (2) 21. de Audley (1) 22. de Bohun (1) |
23. de Brakenberg (1) 24. de Brewes (2) 25. de Bulmer (2) 26. de Chaworth (1) 27. de Chimay (3) 28. de Clifford (1) 29. de Cobham (2) 30. de Cornhill (2) 31. de Courcy (1) 32. de Courtenay (2) 33. de Faucomberge (1) 34. de Fay (1) 35. de Ferrers (2) 36. de Forz (1) 37. de Furnevalle (1) 38. de Furnival (2) 39. De Gay (2) 40. de Geijer (1) 41. de Gramont (2) 42. de Gray (2) 43. de Hamilton (1) 44. de Heselarton (1) |
45. de Holand (1) 46. de Kirkeby (1) 47. de la Ferté (2) 48. de la Mare (2) 49. de la Pile (2) 50. de la Pole (1) 51. de Longvillers (2) 52. de Mâcon (1) 53. de Michael (4) 54. de Monmouth (2) 55. de Montagu (2) 56. de Myton (1) 57. de Nerford (1) 58. de Neville (65) 59. de Northmilford (2) 60. de Playz (1) 61. de Smirnoff (2) 62. de St. Hilaire (1) 63. de St. Laurence (2) 64. de Stafford (1) 65. de Stuteville (3) 66. de Thweng (2) |
67. de Turnham (2) 68. de Umfreville (1) 69. de Valoignes (1) 70. de Weyland (2) 71. del Balzo di Presenzano (2) 72. del Campo Mello (1) 73. del Campo Mello y Urrutio (1) 74. Delorme (1) 75. Dennis (1) 76. Detton (2) 77. Deverell (5) 78. Dickey (1) 79. Dickinson (2) 80. Dillon (1) 81. Dineley (1) 82. Dodge (5) 83. Douglas (12) 84. Dowbiggin (2) 85. Downe (2) 86. Downes (1) 87. Drage (2) 88. Dreesmann (1) |
89. Dressmann (1) 90. Drew (1) 91. Drummond (3) 92. Drury (1) 93. Dryland (1) 94. du Perche (1) 95. Duck (5) 96. Dudley (2) 97. Duff (6) 98. Duff Gordon (4) 99. Duffield (4) 100. Duguid (1) 101. Dunbar (9) 102. Duncan (5) 103. Dundas (2) 104. Dunlop (1) 105. Dunn (4) 106. Durlacher (3) 107. Dutton (1) 108. Dyke (5) |
1. Eagar (1) 2. Eatton (4) 3. Eccelin (1) 4. Ede (2) 5. Edwards (2) 6. Edwin (2) |
7. Egerton (2) 8. Ehlert (2) 9. El-Bay (4) 10. Elcock (2) 11. Elgar (2) 12. Eliot (1) |
13. Ellenington (1) 14. Ellert (4) 15. Emerson (6) 16. Emmott (2) 17. Empson (2) 18. England (1) |
19. English (4) 20. Erickson (2) 21. Erskine (4) 22. Erskine-Tulloch (4) 23. Erwin (2) 24. Etton (1) |
25. Evans (11) 26. Everard (2) 27. Eymes (1) 28. Eyre (20) |
1. Fabrizi (2) 2. Fagan (4) 3. Fageol (2) 4. Fairgrieve (2) 5. Fane (2) 6. Fanthorpe (2) 7. Farquhar (1) 8. Farquhar-Spottiswood (1) 9. Farquharson (5) 10. Fauconberge (2) 11. Faulkner (2) 12. Fellowes (1) 13. Fenne (2) |
14. Ferguson (4) 15. Fetherstonhaugh (2) 16. Field (1) 17. Field-Marsham (3) 18. Finch (1) 19. Finley (1) 20. Finney (1) 21. Firth (10) 22. fitz Dolfin (2) 23. fitz Gilbert (1) 24. Fitz Henry (1) 25. Fitz Maldred (2) 26. Fitz Randolf (2) |
27. fitz Uchtred (1) 28. fitz Walter (2) 29. FitzAlan (2) 30. FitzGibbon (2) 31. FitzJames (1) 32. FitzMarmaduke (1) 33. FitzRoger (1) 34. FitzWalter (2) 35. Fitzwilliam (6) 36. Fletcher (1) 37. Flower (5) 38. Floyer-Acland (9) 39. Foale (4) |
40. Foljambe (2) 41. Forbes (14) 42. Ford (3) 43. Forge (2) 44. Forrester (1) 45. Forteath (2) 46. Fortescue (4) 47. Forth (2) 48. Foskett (2) 49. Fothergill (2) 50. Foulkes (2) 51. Fox (4) 52. Fox Strangways (1) |
53. Fox-Strangways (1) 54. Franklin (1) 55. Fraser (6) 56. Frazer (3) 57. Freeland (1) 58. Freeman (1) 59. Frere (2) 60. Fuller (2) 61. Fuller-Acland-Hood (1) 62. Fuller-Palmer-Acland (2) 63. Fulthorpe (2) |
1. Galloway (1) 2. Galperin (2) 3. Gardner (1) 4. Garguilo (3) 5. Garneys (1) 6. Garnier (2) 7. Garnons-Williams (2) 8. Garratt (2) 9. Gascoigne (2) 10. Gathorne-Hardy (1) 11. Gatley (2) 12. Gayer (2) 13. Geake (2) |
14. Geddes (1) 15. Gerard-Pearse (1) 16. Gibbon (4) 17. Gibbs (2) 18. Gibson (3) 19. Gifford (3) 20. Gilbert (4) 21. Gillon (1) 22. Gilmour (1) 23. Girling (2) 24. Glasspool (2) 25. Glover (2) 26. Glyn (1) |
27. Goble (2) 28. Goddard (5) 29. Godsal (2) 30. Godwin (2) 31. Goff (2) 32. Goldsbrough (2) 33. Gole (1) 34. Gooda (4) 35. Goodchild (2) 36. Gordon (231) 37. Gore (2) 38. Gould (6) 39. Grace (2) |
40. Graham (7) 41. Graham-Toler (1) 42. Grainger (1) 43. Grant (4) 44. Gray (9) 45. Greenham (2) 46. Greenlees (1) 47. Greer (1) 48. Gregory (2) 49. Grehan (2) 50. Gresham (2) 51. Gresson (2) 52. Greville (1) |
53. Grey (7) 54. Griffin (2) 55. Griffiths (2) 56. Grimmond (5) 57. Grimston (2) 58. Grosvenor (1) 59. Grove (1) 60. Guernsey (2) 61. Gull (2) 62. Gurdon (1) 63. Gurney (2) 64. Guthrie (9) 65. Guyon (1) |
1. Hackney (6) 2. Had. (2) 3. Hadd. (1) 4. Hakin (3) 5. Hale (2) 6. Hall (2) 7. Hallamore (1) 8. Hallock (1) 9. Halsall (1) 10. Hamilton (230) 11. Hamilton-Gordon (37) 12. Hammond (2) 13. Hanna (2) 14. Hannay (2) 15. Hanson (2) 16. Hardinge (1) 17. Hargreaves (2) 18. Harmsworth (1) 19. Harper (6) |
20. Harris (2) 21. Harrison (9) 22. Harvey (3) 23. Haryngton (1) 24. Hastie (7) 25. Hastings (1) 26. Hatch (2) 27. Hatton (1) 28. Havelock-Allan (2) 29. Haverfield (1) 30. Hawkins (1) 31. Hawkridge (2) 32. Hawkworthy (2) 33. Hawley (1) 34. Hawthorne (2) 35. Hay (13) 36. Haydon-Baillie (2) 37. Hayes (2) 38. Healy (1) |
39. Heap (2) 40. Heath (2) 41. Heiney (6) 42. Hely-Hutchinson (1) 43. Henalt (2) 44. Henley (4) 45. Hepburn (1) 46. Herbert (3) 47. Herschel (2) 48. Hervey (5) 49. Hext (2) 50. Heydon (2) 51. Heywood (4) 52. Hinckley (1) 53. Hindmarsh (3) 54. Hirtzmann de Luttange (6) 55. Hoare (7) 56. Hobson (2) 57. Hodge (2) |
58. Hodgson (4) 59. Hodleston (2) 60. Holand (1) 61. Holland (4) 62. Hollick (2) 63. Holloway (1) 64. Holness (2) 65. Home (1) 66. Hook (1) 67. Hope (4) 68. Hope-Johnstone (2) 69. Hopton (1) 70. Horne (1) 71. Horsell (1) 72. Horton (1) 73. Horton-Fawkes (5) 74. Houldsworth (2) 75. House (1) 76. Howard (8) |
77. Howe (1) 78. Hubbard (52) 79. Huddart (2) 80. Huddleston (1) 81. Hughes (6) 82. Hull (2) 83. Hulley (1) 84. Humbert (2) 85. Hume (1) 86. Humphreys (3) 87. Hunt (1) 88. Hunter (5) 89. Huntly (2) 90. Hutchins (2) 91. Huth (2) 92. Hutton (2) 93. Hyde (1) |
1. Ingaldesthorpe (2) 2. Ingleby (3) |
3. Inglis (1) 4. Innes (10) |
5. Inskip (2) 6. Irvine (1) |
7. Iwarby (1) |
1. Jackson (1) 2. Jacob (2) 3. Jalabert (1) 4. Jamieson (1) |
5. Japy (2) 6. Jeannin (1) 7. Jekyll (2) 8. Jenkinson (1) |
9. Jenkyns (1) 10. Jenner (5) 11. Jenyns (2) 12. Jepson (1) |
13. Jessel (1) 14. Johnson (10) 15. Johnston (3) 16. Jongeyans (1) |
17. Jubin (2) |
1. Kampert (1) 2. Karsh (2) 3. Keating (5) 4. Keith (4) 5. Kelly (2) 6. Kemble (2) |
7. Kennard (1) 8. Kennedy (8) 9. Kenworthy (2) 10. Kenyon-Slaney (1) 11. Keown (3) 12. Ker (2) |
13. Kerby (1) 14. Killigrew (2) 15. King (4) 16. Kingzett (5) 17. Kinnaird (1) 18. Kinninmond (1) |
19. Kleinwort (2) 20. Knewstub (2) 21. Knight (6) 22. Knipe (2) 23. Knowles (1) 24. Knox (3) |
25. Kovachevska (1) 26. Kovachevsky (1) 27. Krwocher (2) 28. Kyffyn (1) |
1. Laigle (2) 2. Lambton (3) 3. Lampard (2) 4. Lampert (4) 5. Lancaster (1) 6. Langdale (1) 7. Langton (1) 8. Larios (2) 9. Larnach (2) 10. Larnach-Nevill (1) 11. Lascelles (1) 12. Latimer (1) 13. Laurence (1) 14. Laurie (1) 15. Laver (4) |
16. Law (4) 17. Lawrence (3) 18. Laycock (2) 19. Lazell (9) 20. le Despenser (2) 21. Le Duc (2) 22. le Scott (7) 23. le Scrope (2) 24. le Strange (5) 25. Leach (1) 26. Leader (2) 27. Learmonth (2) 28. Lecount (2) 29. Lee (3) 30. Leeke (2) |
31. Leggatt (2) 32. Legge (2) 33. Leigh (2) 34. Leith (3) 35. Lemon (1) 36. Lennard (2) 37. Lentaigne (2) 38. Lenthall (5) 39. Leslie (10) 40. Lessour (1) 41. Levy-Lawson (1) 42. Lewes (1) 43. Lewin (1) 44. Lewis (8) 45. Lewkenor (6) |
46. Lichtoun (2) 47. Lightner (2) 48. Lillingston (6) 49. Lindsay (2) 50. Linklater (6) 51. Lister (2) 52. Livingston (3) 53. Lloyd (6) 54. Llyod-Mostyn (1) 55. Lobanow-Rostovsky (5) 56. Lockett (2) 57. Lockhart (2) 58. Logie (6) 59. Lomax (4) 60. Long (1) |
61. Loughborough (2) 62. Low (2) 63. Loyd (2) 64. Lucas (1) 65. Lucifero (1) 66. Lucy (1) 67. Luder (2) 68. Lumsden (1) 69. Lumsford (1) 70. Lyall (2) 71. Lyle (6) 72. Lyon (4) 73. Lyon-Dalberg-Acton (29) 74. Lysaght (1) |
1. Macbean (1) 2. MacCulloch (1) 3. MacCullum (2) 4. Macdonald (2) 5. MacDougall (2) 6. MacDowall (12) 7. Macfarlane (2) 8. Mackay (2) 9. MacKenzie (2) 10. Mackintosh (2) 11. Mackworth (2) 12. Maclean (4) 13. Maclellan (2) 14. MacLurg (2) 15. MacMurdo (2) 16. Macnaghten (3) 17. MacNaughten (1) 18. MacNeil (1) 19. Macpherson (2) 20. Macrorie (2) 21. Magruder (4) 22. Mahony (4) 23. Mainwaring-Burton (2) 24. Maitland-Heriot (1) |
25. Malden (2) 26. Mallack (2) 27. Mallet (2) 28. Manganaro (1) 29. Manners (2) 30. Mapelli Mozzi (3) 31. Marffy (29) 32. Marion (6) 33. Marjoribanks (1) 34. Mark (4) 35. Markham (1) 36. Markle (1) 37. Marles (1) 38. Maron (1) 39. Marreco (2) 40. Marriot (2) 41. Marsh (4) 42. Marshall (3) 43. Martineau (2) 44. Martinez (2) 45. Mason (2) 46. Masterman (2) 47. Matheson (2) 48. Matmerson (2) |
49. Maton (2) 50. Maude-Roxby (7) 51. Mawer (2) 52. Maxwell (8) 53. May (2) 54. Mayhew (5) 55. Maynard (2) 56. McArthur (2) 57. McConnell (1) 58. McGhie (1) 59. McGougan (1) 60. McHardy (6) 61. McIntosh (1) 62. McKie (2) 63. McLaren (46) 64. McLellan (1) 65. McMaster (1) 66. McPhillamy (2) 67. McQueen (1) 68. McQuoid (1) 69. Meldrum (1) 70. Mencacci (1) 71. Mene (2) 72. Menzies (2) |
73. Messineo (1) 74. Meyer (2) 75. Meyrick (2) 76. Middleton (2) 77. Miklethum (2) 78. Milbank (1) 79. Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington (1) 80. Millar (3) 81. Miller (2) 82. Milligan (2) 83. Mills (1) 84. Milward (2) 85. Minghetti (1) 86. Mitchell (4) 87. Mitton (4) 88. Moffat (2) 89. Momber (4) 90. Money (3) 91. Monke (2) 92. Monroe (1) 93. Montagu (2) 94. Monteith (2) 95. Montgomerie (1) 96. Moore (1) |
97. Mordaunt (4) 98. Morgan (2) 99. Moris (1) 100. Morland (2) 101. Morris (7) 102. Morrison (1) 103. Mortimer (1) 104. Mowat (1) 105. Muir-Mackenzie (2) 106. Muller (2) 107. Munn (2) 108. Mure (1) 109. Murphy (1) 110. Murray (8) 111. Musgrave (3) 112. Musgrove (2) 113. Mutch (2) 114. Myddelton (1) 115. Myers (1) 116. Mylne (2) |
1. Naesmyth (2) 2. Napier (3) 3. Nassif (2) 4. Naylor (3) 5. Neville (304) |
6. Newall (1) 7. Newce (1) 8. Newell (2) 9. Newmarch (4) 10. Newton (3) |
11. Nicholas (3) 12. Nicholson (3) 13. Nickols (7) 14. Nicolson (2) 15. Nisbet (1) |
16. Nisbett (2) 17. Noble (4) 18. Noel (1) 19. Norman (4) 20. Norreys (1) |
21. Norton-Griffiths (1) |
1. Paget (1) 2. Pakenham (2) 3. Paley (2) 4. Palmer (1) 5. Palmer-Acland (1) 6. Park (2) 7. Parker (3) 8. Parker Bowles (1) 9. Parsons (7) 10. Paston (2) 11. Paterson (1) 12. Patrick (1) 13. Patterson (3) 14. Paulet (2) |
15. Paux (2) 16. Pavey (3) 17. Payne (5) 18. Peard (1) 19. Pelham (2) 20. Pelham-Clinton (2) 21. Pelly (2) 22. Pennington (1) 23. Peploe (4) 24. Percival (2) 25. Percy (2) 26. Perkins (3) 27. Peter (1) 28. Petre (2) |
29. Petrie (2) 30. Petritzka (2) 31. Pharazyn (1) 32. Philips (2) 33. Phillips (12) 34. Pichel-Juan (1) 35. Pickering (1) 36. Pignatelli (3) 37. Pike (4) 38. Pincke (1) 39. Pinsent (2) 40. Place (1) 41. Plantagenet (6) 42. Plumer (3) |
43. Plumer-Ward (1) 44. Plunket (1) 45. Pochin (2) 46. Pocklington (2) 47. Pole (18) 48. Pollard (2) 49. Poole (3) 50. Portal (3) 51. Portman (2) 52. Poulett (1) 53. Powell (4) 54. Powis (1) 55. Pozzo di Borgo (3) 56. Pratt (1) |
57. Prediaux (2) 58. Predmore (1) 59. Pretzel (1) 60. Price (4) 61. Priest (1) 62. Primrose (2) 63. Proby (2) 64. Procter (3) 65. Pudsey (1) 66. Pugh (4) 67. Purbrick (3) 68. Pym (2) 69. Pyrsho (1) |
1. Rabagliati (1) 2. Radcliff (2) 3. Rafin (2) 4. Raiman (2) 5. Ralston (2) 6. Ramirez (3) 7. Ramsay (6) 8. Ramsden (2) 9. Rangabe (1) 10. Raponi (1) 11. Rashleigh (4) |
12. Rawlins (1) 13. Rawstorne (5) 14. Rayment (2) 15. Raynsford (1) 16. Reade (2) 17. Reading (2) 18. Rebow (1) 19. Reeve (2) 20. Reeves (2) 21. Reid (4) 22. Remnick (1) |
23. Renton (4) 24. Rhodes (2) 25. Rhys-Jones (1) 26. Rich (1) 27. Richmond (2) 28. Rickman (4) 29. Ridley (7) 30. Ritchie (6) 31. Rivertor (2) 32. Rivett-Carnac (2) 33. Roberts (4) |
34. Robertson (10) 35. Robinson (4) 36. Rogers (2) 37. Roll (3) 38. Rolle (2) 39. Rolph (1) 40. Rooke (2) 41. Rose (4) 42. Rospigliosi (2) 43. Ross (2) 44. Rowe (2) |
45. Royds (1) 46. Runton (2) 47. Russel (6) 48. Russell (47) 49. Rutherforth (1) 50. Rutland (1) 51. Ryrie (2) |
1. Sackville (1) 2. Sakoor (2) 3. Saliège (3) 4. Sams (3) 5. Sanders (5) 6. Sanderson (1) 7. Sandilands (39) 8. Sandow (2) 9. Sandys (4) 10. Sargent (4) 11. Saunders (1) 12. Scarborough (1) 13. Scarlett (45) 14. Schaffalitzky de Muckadell (2) 15. Schwabe (2) 16. Sclater (2) 17. Scot (2) 18. Scott (17) 19. Screuen (1) 20. Searight (1) 21. Seddon (2) 22. Sedley (1) |
23. Seton (8) 24. Seymour (2) 25. Shand (3) 26. Sharp (2) 27. Sharpe (2) 28. Shaw (2) 29. Shaw Lefevre (2) 30. Sheehy (4) 31. Shelley (2) 32. Shepherd (1) 33. Sim (2) 34. Sinclair (2) 35. Skene (3) 36. Sleigh (1) 37. Smallman (2) 38. Smart (3) 39. Smiley (1) 40. Smith (20) 41. Smithson (2) 42. Smyth (2) 43. Smythe (1) 44. Soame (2) |
45. Soanes (2) 46. Southwell (1) 47. Spellman (1) 48. Spence (2) 49. Spencer (3) 50. Spinks (2) 51. Spong (1) 52. Sprenchose (2) 53. St. Aubyn (1) 54. St. Hill (2) 55. St. John (1) 56. St. Leger (2) 57. Stacey (2) 58. Stackhouse (1) 59. Stafford (2) 60. Stafford-King-Harman (1) 61. Stanbury (2) 62. Stane (1) 63. Stanhope (2) 64. Stanley (2) 65. Stapleton (3) 66. Stark (2) |
67. Staunton (2) 68. Staverton (2) 69. Stead (2) 70. Stede (1) 71. Steele (1) 72. Steere (2) 73. Steinhell (1) 74. Stepleton (1) 75. Sterrett (1) 76. Steventon (2) 77. Stewart (28) 78. Still (2) 79. Stockley (3) 80. Stokker (1) 81. Stonhill (3) 82. Stonor (2) 83. Stotherd (2) 84. Stovin (1) 85. Straatman (2) 86. Strahan (2) 87. Strang (3) 88. Strange (1) |
89. Strangways (1) 90. Streatfeild (2) 91. Stringer (1) 92. Strode (2) 93. Struthers (2) 94. Strutt (1) 95. Stuart (23) 96. Stuart-Menteth (2) 97. Summers (2) 98. Summonte (9) 99. Sunnucks (7) 100. Sutherland (1) 101. Swan (5) 102. Swann (2) 103. Sweetwood (1) 104. Swete (4) 105. Swynford (1) 106. Sykes (1) 107. Synge (2) |
1. Tabor (9) 2. Taccone di Sitizano (1) 3. Tanfield (1) 4. Tatton (2) 5. Taylor (11) 6. Tempest (2) 7. Temple (1) 8. Templer (2) 9. Thomas (2) 10. Thompson (2) |
11. Thomson (6) 12. Thorne (2) 13. Thornicroft (3) 14. Thorold (2) 15. Thoroughgood (1) 16. Thorp (2) 17. Throckmorton (1) 18. Throgmorton (1) 19. Thursby (1) 20. Thursfield (2) |
21. Tibbitt (4) 22. Tidborough (2) 23. Tinsley (2) 24. Tippet (1) 25. Tiptoft (1) 26. Tisdall (2) 27. Todd (3) 28. Tollemache (1) 29. Tomes (5) 30. Tong (2) |
31. Tooker (1) 32. Towers (1) 33. Trafford (1) 34. Tremaine (2) 35. Tremellen (1) 36. Trench (1) 37. Troccoli (1) 38. Trotter (1) 39. Troyte (9) 40. Tudor (9) |
41. Turberville (1) 42. Turl (2) 43. Turner (3) 44. Turnour (2) 45. Tyndall (2) 46. Tyrell (2) 47. Tyson (2) |
1. Udale-Smith (2) |
2. Udney (1) |
3. Unwin (2) |
4. Urquhart (4) |
1. Valentine (2) 2. van der Nest (2) 3. Vanden-Bempde-Johnstone (2) 4. Vasserot (1) 5. Vaughan (2) |
6. Vaus (1) 7. Vaus-Agnew (1) 8. Vaux (2) 9. Vellacott (6) 10. Vercoe (1) |
11. Verdon (2) 12. Vernon (4) 13. Vernon-Harcourt (2) 14. Vickers (2) 15. Vincent (3) |
16. Voelcker (2) 17. von Arco-Valley (1) 18. von Bülow (1) 19. von Dalberg (1) 20. von Dönhoff (1) |
21. von Gablenz (2) |
1. Wake (1) 2. Wakefield (1) 3. Waldegrave (1) 4. Walker (6) 5. Walkingshaw (1) 6. Wallace (9) 7. Wallop (1) 8. Walpole (3) 9. Walrond (3) 10. Walsham (1) 11. Walter (3) 12. Wand (2) 13. Wandisford (1) 14. Wanley (1) 15. Wappner (2) 16. Warburton (2) 17. Ware (1) |
18. Waring (2) 19. Warner (2) 20. Waterman (2) 21. Wathen (2) 22. Watson (6) 23. Watt (2) 24. Wauchope (2) 25. Wearing (4) 26. Weekes (2) 27. Weeks (1) 28. Welfare (5) 29. Wellesley (1) 30. Wentworth (1) 31. West (4) 32. Westenra (2) 33. Weston (5) 34. Whately (2) |
35. Whately-Smith (2) 36. Wheatley (2) 37. Wheatley-Hubbard (5) 38. Whipple (2) 39. Whitaker (14) 40. White (10) 41. Whitelaw (2) 42. Whiteley (5) 43. Whitelocke (2) 44. Whiting (2) 45. Whittaker (5) 46. Whyte (2) 47. Wiatt (1) 48. Wignall (1) 49. Wilcocks (1) 50. Wilkin (2) 51. Wilkinson (2) |
52. Willes (2) 53. Williams (18) 54. Williams-Drummond (2) 55. Williamson (2) 56. Willoughby (1) 57. Wills (2) 58. Wilmot (2) 59. Wilson (5) 60. Windsor (2) 61. Wingfield (1) 62. Wingfield-Baker (1) 63. Wingfield-Stratford (2) 64. Winsbury (2) 65. Wolfe (2) 66. Wollcombe (1) 67. Womersley (2) 68. Wood (5) |
69. Woodhouse (2) 70. Woodruff (2) 71. Woodville (3) 72. Woodward (1) 73. Woollcombe (1) 74. Wootton (1) 75. Worsley (1) 76. Woseley (1) 77. Wright (5) 78. Wrothe (2) 79. Wu (2) 80. Wychalse (1) 81. Wylde (1) 82. Wyndham-Read (2) 83. Wynne-Jones (2) |
1. Zanni (5) |
2. Zorzi (1) |
3. zu Lippe-Weissenfeld (1) |
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