Welcome to The Royals and Nobles Ancestry!

The Royals and Nobles Ancestry is an online genealogical database and it is intended to be used to determine the relationship(s) between two individuals. The primary objective of this website is to present a comprehensive exploration of individuals' ancestral and descendant lineages spanning multiple generations. We extend our coverage to the relationships between cousins over various generations, with a comprehensive archive of cousin and in-law marriages, accessible through the "Relationship" in the individual's page.

This website is made by a dedicated genealogy enthusiast, who wants to share the complex connections among royalty and nobility. As an ongoing project, I'm developing this website to provide a reliable resource. It is currently in its initial phase and will remain a work in progress. Click on "What's New" for what have been added.

The website will mainly focusing on European monarchies. In the future, it may expand to Asian monarchies and ancient Pharaohs.

Our sources are well-referenced and easily cross-referenced through major search engines and recognized references like Wikipedia. We encourage you to visit the website regularly as we continuously add individuals and expanding the connections.

Get Started

Get started from these individuals. Soon, this links will be expanded by country and houses/dynasties.


Top 200 Surnames

Abdy Abercromby Ackland Ackner Ackroyd Acland Acland Troyte Acton Adair Adams Addison Agnew Akeland Akelane Anderson Ando Andrew Baillie Baird Baker Barker Beauchamp Beaufort Beckett Bell Bishop Blechinberg Brooke Brown Browne Browne-Clayton Bruce Callinicos Campbell Carlisle Chalmers Chapman Chase Clifford Clowes Cole Collier-Wright Collins Corbishley Czernin Dalberg-Acton Davies de Neville Deverell Dodge Douglas Duck Duff Duff Gordon Duffield Dunbar Duncan Dunn Dyke Eatton El-Bay Ellert Emerson English Erskine-Tulloch Evans Eyre Fagan Farquharson Firth Fitzwilliam Flower Floyer-Acland Foale Forbes Fortescue Fox Fraser Gibbon Gilbert Goddard Gooda Gordon Gould Graham Grant Gray Grey Grimmond Guthrie Hackney Hamilton Hamilton-Gordon Harper Harrison Hastie Hay Heiney Henley Hervey Heywood Hirtzmann de Luttange Hoare Hodgson Holland Hope Horton-Fawkes Howard Hubbard Hughes Hunter Innes Johnson Keating Keith Kennedy King Kingzett Knight Lampert Laver Law Lazell le Scott le Strange Lenthall Leslie Lewis Lewkenor Lillingston Linklater Lloyd Lobanow-Rostovsky Lomax Lyle Lyon Lyon-Dalberg-Acton MacDowall Maclean Magruder Mahony Marffy Marion Maude-Roxby Maxwell Mayhew McHardy McLaren Morris Murray Neville Nickols of England of Great Britain of Lancaster of the Palatinate of the United Kingdom of Wales of York Ogilvy Owen Parsons Payne Phillips Plantagenet Pole Rawstorne Ridley Ritchie Russel Russell Sanders Sandilands Scarlett Scott Seton Smith Stewart Stuart Summonte Sunnucks Tabor Taylor Tomes Troyte Tudor Walker Wallace Welfare Weston Wheatley-Hubbard Whitaker White Whiteley Whittaker Williams Wood Wright Young Zanni

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We make every effort to provide links from where the data are gathered which is shown on Individual page's 'Links To' and 'Sources' rows.

If you would like to expedite finding relationship of specific persons or anything else, contact us.