The Royals and Nobles Ancestry

Online Genealogy of Royals and Nobles

Christina Margaret Agnew

Christina Margaret Agnew

Female 1982 -  (43 years)

Cousins   |    All cousin marriages   |    All in-law marriages

  First Cousins
1 Nicola Anne Swan
          b. 1981
2 Peter Alan Swan
          b. 1982
3 Alice Margaret Swan
          b. 1984
4 Charlotte Elizabeth Agnew
          b. 1987
5 Georgina Catherine Agnew
          b. 1990
6 Alexandra Isobel Agnew
          b. 1992


  Fourth Cousins
1 Kate Harvey
          b. 1966
2 Angus Donald Agnew Jenner
          b. 20 Oct 1966
3 Victoria Harvey
          b. 1967
4 Bruce Roderick Jenner
          b. 30 May 1969


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