The Royals and Nobles Ancestry
Online Genealogy of Royals and Nobles
Matches 1 to 50 of 413
# | Notes | Linked to |
1 | - Alternate date: 1 Feb 1780 - Died unmarried. | Abdy, Martha (P477)
2 | - Killed at the Battle of Towton (Yorkist victory). - Attainted on 4 Nov 1461. - Attainder reversed on 6 Oct 1472. | Neville, John 1st Baron Neville (P1936)
3 | 20 Jun 1779 - The Scots Peerage, Volume I, Page 66 | Family: John James Hamilton, 1st Marquess of Abercorn / Catherine Copley (F245)
4 | 28 Sep 1874 in [S8] | Acland, Hugh Thomas Dyke (P3430)
5 | 5th Baronet (of Columb John) [England. 1644] | Acland, Sir Hugh 5th/1st Baronet (P3073)
6 | A friend of John Wyclif and the Lollard movement. | Neville, Sir William (P1896)
7 | A great Northern magnate whose life and death are recorded in the Durham Liber Vitae. | fitz Maldred, Uchtred (P1825)
8 | Accidentally drowned on a voyage from Boston to Melbourne. Died unmarried. | Hamilton-Gordon, George 6th Earl of Aberdeen (P1547)
9 | Although no docket, patent or sign manual has been found enrolled owing to the confusion of the Civil War, in which he was a royalist, garrisoning Columb-John for King Charles I of England and holding out after all other royalist forces in the county had captulated. | Acland, Sir John 1st Baronet (P3062)
10 | Ancestor of the Nevills of Thornton Bridge. | Neville, Ralph (P1895)
11 | As a consequence of his marriage. | George 1st Duke of Clarence (P2079)
12 | Assassinated. Died unmarried. | Pole, Arthur (P2115)
13 | Assassinated. The male line descendants of Margaret, Countess of Salisbury became extinct. | Pole, Geoffrey (P2116)
14 | Because about to married Elizabeth (of York), eldest daugther of Edward IV. | Neville, George 1st Duke of Bedford (P2037)
15 | Beheaded on a charge of high treason (specifically for promoting the interests of his cousin Reginald Pole). | Neville, Sir Edward (P2139)
16 | Beheaded the day after the Battle of Wakefield (Lancastrian victory). | Neville, Richard 5th Earl of Salisbury (P2004)
17 | Beheaded. | Fauconberge, Thomas (P2061)
18 | Both marriages. | Tatton, Katherine (P2350)
19 | By Michaelmas. | de Neville, Geoffrey (VI) (P1808)
20 | Called to Parliament by writ as Lord (Baron) Neville. | Neville, John 1st Baron Neville (P1936)
21 | Captured and executed in Edward IV's presence at York. | Neville, Sir Humphrey (P1994)
22 | Cousins | Family: Walter Acton / Frances Acton (F1935)
23 | Created (according to later doctrine) by writ of summons to Parliament. | de Neville, Hugh 1st Baron Neville (P1795)
24 | Created (according to later doctrine) by writ of summons to Parliament. | de Neville, Randolph 1st Baron Neville (P1875)
25 | Created a Baronet [Nova Scotia. 1642] for gallantry at the Battle of Turriff, being 2nd in command of forces raised against the Covenanters (1630) and defender of the House of Kellie against them, though forced to surrender and imprisoned in St. Giles's Cathedral, Edinburgh, where his cell was a recess in the wall which became known as Haddo's Hole (a plate on the wall today marks the spot). | Gordon, Sir John 1st Baronet (P1441)
26 | Created after the accession of his brother King Edward IV. | Richard III King of England (P2081)
27 | Created at the suggestion of Gladstone, who Acton revered but who he also greatly influenced, particularly over Irish Home Rule. | Dalberg-Acton, John Emmerich Edward 1st Baron Acton (P4170)
28 | Created by writ of summons. De facto 3rd (de jure 1st) Baron Bergavenny or Beauchamp de Bergavenny [England. 1392] | Neville, Edward 3rd Baron Bergavenny (P2012)
29 | De jure 2nd Baron Bergavenny | Neville, George 4th Baron Bergavenny (P2120)
30 | De jure 3rd Baron Bergavenny | Neville, George 5th Baron Bergavenny (P2137)
31 | De jure 4th Baron Bergavenny | Neville, Henry 6th Baron Bergavenny (P2149)
32 | De jure 5th Baron Bergavenny | Neville, Edward 7th Baron Bergavenny (P2185)
33 | Declared by Parliament in her own right. | Plantagenet, Margaret (P2087)
34 | Defeated by Henry VII and killed at the Battle of Bosworth (the last engagement of the Wars of the Roses). | Richard III King of England (P2081)
35 | Did not take the title on grandfather's death. | Hamilton, James 6th Earl of Abercorn (P638)
36 | Die young. | Neville, Thomas (P2279)
37 | Died aboard HMS Bedford. | Bruce, James (P1259)
38 | Died aged 7. Killed accidentally by his mother, who had been beating him in a rage and who in throwing to the ground fractured his skull. | Neville, Henry (P2341)
39 | Died an infant. | Hamilton, NameNotKnown (P1148)
40 | Died as Prisoner of War (POW) in Tokyo. | Acland, Simon John Dyke (P3400)
41 | Died as the result of a hunting accident. | Neville, Henry Gilbert Ralph 3rd Marquess of Abergavenny (P2511)
42 | Died as the result of an accident. | Acton, Alfred (P4308)
43 | Died at sea. | Acland, Charles Baldwin Dyke (P3180)
44 | Died before his father. | Acland, John (P3953)
45 | Died following a car crash. | Wilson, Gertrude Kathleen Frances (P4567)
46 | Died following a yachting accident. | Masterman, Catherine Juliet (P3748)
47 | Died following an accident. | McLaren, Francis Andrew (P329)
48 | Died following an accident. | Lomax, Pamela (P928)
49 | Died imprisoned in the Tower of London. | Pole, Edmund (P2101)
50 | Died in exile at Louvain where he ministered as a parish priest. | Neville, Alexander (P1893)
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